Why Advertise in ETR?


Exposure to a specialized market niche can mean high returns for you. Our flagship publication, the Employment & Training Reporter, the must-read news journal in its field since 1969, is your passkey to the world of job training and placement programs. You can reach decisionmakers, policymakers and practitioners directly .

  • Solicit bids: Your nonprofit or public agency can reach qualified, experienced service providers.

  • Fill vacancies: When you need to fill key positions, get the word out to the top talent — ETR subscribers.

  • Reach conference attendees: Our readers are active in the field.

  • Raise product profiles: Vendors of services and products can raise their profiles in the community.

Contact service@miipublications.com to explore advertising with us. Space and classified advertising is available.

Do it now, while you're thinking about it.